Chapter Sixty Five


March has been a very busy month and an exciting one!  We started the month by watching for the mailman. His daily delivery of mail addressed to me was delightful!    I have never received so much mail! The offer in the last chapter of the little Twin Manor book proved to be acceptable to many people.  Each day as Esther opened the envelopes she would tell us who sent them and tell us where they lived.  We ask her to keep a record of the various states to see just where the readers of this journal live.  She did and we were surprised that so many live on the west coast.





Russell would frank each envelope to be mailed  with the picture of Hitty Emily in the lower left corner.  She was so proud that it was her picture he used!   Then a little book was inserted and they were ready for the daily trip to the post office.













There was so much happening at once that I can't remember the exact day that we got a new family member!  She is Hitty Rachel and was carved by DeAnn Cote.  It didn't take her long at all to fit in.  She wanted to go along to the post office but Esther had promised Hitty Marie that it was her turn to go.  She said the post office was very busy and it seemed almost scary to see all those letters slip into that big slot marked  'out of town.' 










The middle of month came quickly and it was Hitty Club day! That is always a highlight of our month.  The theme for the meeting was St. Patrick's Day.  The table was decorated in green and they served soup and grilled corn beef sandwiches!  

















One of the ladies, JoAnn had made each of us a dress with shamrocks as the design on the fabric.  Some of us posed for this picture!


















This was also the month that little HittyPat visited a kindergarten classroom.  I am not sure she liked it.  She was hoping she would see other children her size but there were no others.  I think she will probably be home schooled as are the rest of us.











Now the month of March is over and we are packed and ready for our trip to Williamsburg and North Carolina.  It will be good to go south and see flowers blooming and feel warm air.  Hitty Marie remembers us telling her that last year it was quite chilly in Williamsburg so she insisted on wearing her sweater.  We assured her the weather would be much warmer since we are going a  month later than last year.   Esther and Russell are looking forward to the family getting together and we are too!






We are also looking forward to the month of May because the ladies in the Hitty Club are planning a trip to see the original Hitty!   She is on exhibit at the Brandywine Museum at Chadds Ford, PA for two months.  I certainly will write a chapter about that trip!


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