Chapter Two Hundred Thirteen







At long last spring is here.  In our town one of the first signs of spring is the appearance of the tiny blue flowers on the lawn of one of the local houses. Some of us took a walk to see them when Hitty Club met last week.  They only last a few days but oh what a treat!




























We have a new toy!   The early part of this week we watched Esther working very intently at her workbench.   We were quite curious  about all the little pieces as she opened a package.   She sorted them carefully, painted them,  put them together and then called us to come to take a closer look.   It was a Noah's Ark with little animals made into a pull toy. The Gail Wilson kit was a gift from our  Boston Hitty friends when they visited last fall  and Esther had just now found the time to put it together.      



























Some of the other Hittys heard the commotion and came over to the workbench to see what all the fuss was about.   By this time Michael had all the animals in place and was ready to pull it around the room. 
































There was also a book with the story of Noah's Ark  and I suggested Ima ask her Grandma to please come read it to us.



























Grandma Alice said to gather in the library room and she would be delighted to read the book to us.  As I watched and listened, I suspected she was reciting more from memory than reading.   The story of Noah's  Ark goes back centuries and is familiar to all generations so it was not surprising at all that she really didn't need the book.














Now that spring finally has arrived we Hittys look forward to many outdoor activities.   Grandma Alice is paying attention to the temperatures.  She is waiting for the end of frosty mornings so she can start planting.  What a relief it is to have winter over at last!








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