Chapter Two Hundred Twenty Six



It seems like we just got home from our trip to New Hampshire and it is time to pack the suitcases again.    Thanksgiving is next week and we are planning on going to Maryland to celebrate the holiday with family.







Michael and the little ones are still playing with the colored stones we brought back from our New Hampshire trip.   There was a large selection from which to choose at the American Stonehenge lodge and Hitty Carol and Ima took a long time choosing just the ones they thought the little ones would like. 



























Since we won't be home for the holiday  Becassine and Grandma Alice thought we should have a treat this week.   Grandma told us that back in Scotland she was famous for her pecan pie.   Our Thanksgiving is not celebrated over there but  she always treated herself to a touch of home at this time.   Becassine, of course, baked pumpkin pie which is her specialty.   We are very lucky Hittys to get the benefit of both.




















There has been much discussion as who among us will get to go along.   Esther generally takes only five and occasionally six of us at a time.  I  must always be along as I can not possibly record any happenings if I am not there to witness them.   Hitty Colleen had been keeping records and she insists that she too must attend as she has the most 'outgoing' personality!












Ima came up with an idea.   She made tiny paper sticks, painted six of them with red tips, held them in her hand and told us each to draw one.   The ones with the red tips would then be the Hittys to go to Maryland for the holiday.





























I did not draw a stick because I knew I was going as stated before.  Ima, Hitty Carol and Hitty Colleen each drew ones with red tips.   That left two more  who could go if we could talk Esther into taking six of us.































Ima held the sticks tightly as she went from one to another and asked us to draw.  We then gathered around the table to find out just who had the other red tips! 




























So dear readers, you will find out the answer when we return and I write the next chapter!   I do believe we are hoping to go a day or two earlier than usual.    Esther has been wanting to go to G Street Fabric for some time and we are to have lunch with some Hitty friends.   Hmmmm I wonder if there are any surprises awaiting us?



We wish all our readers a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!












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