Chapter Two Hundred Twenty Nine



Happy New Year to all!   The Robertson family is finally coming up for air.  All family members are either back home or enroute.  It has been an exciting week starting on Christmas Day - family from Maryland and Kansas City - four adults and three children - representing four generations.   I will mention only a few highlights.









This was Hitty Moonbeam's first visit and I do hope we did not overwhelm her with so many of us.   I think she found the quietest moments to be with Becassine and Grandma Alice.




























One of our highlights was the gift of a little ivory pie crimper made by the Robertson's son Bill.  The little wheel turns to crimp the edges of pies.  This one was made especially for us with our name in the design! 




























Esther was thrilled with another puzzle and of course, it was about us!  She so loves Hitty puzzles.  Putting a puzzle together is a very nice way to spend winter days.  She is aware though that puzzles 'eat time' and she is trying to discipline herself to get at least some work done before she sits down to work on it.   Many times I have heard the words, "just one piece" and hours pass before we see her again.





















Amidst all the holiday activities, we helped Esther with the mailing of the year end book offer.   It has been delightful opening the many cards and letters accompanying the requests and  we are so pleased to hear from our readers.  




















We are off now to help put away the holiday decorations and put our rooms back in order.   We are looking forward to an active 2014 and want to wish all our readers a very healthy and HAPPY NEW YEAR!












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