Chapter Two Hundred Thirty Four





Hitty Moonbeam and her mother came to visit this past week-end and we had a lovely time. She is getting  excited about her up-coming trip to Hawaii.   Hitty Colleen gave her a shell necklace and she was sure it would be perfect with the dresses she intends to take with her.   My sisters and I are looking forward to seeing her pictures and hearing about her adventures when she returns.





















Finally, it is spring!  The temperatures are finally reasonable and even one day last week, Esther and Russell were even able to have dinner on the patio.  That was a treat! 












We Hittys have been eying the clothes Esther has been sewing these past few weeks.  She  had found some 1930s repro fabric and enjoyed working with it. Today we could start wearing them,  so off came the long-sleeve winter dresses and there was a race for the rack of new clothes!  Light bright colors were the order of the day. 






















Hitty Colleen and Hitty Carol thought it a good idea to see if the shrubbery in the planter survived the winter and were delighted to visit with the neighbor down the street as she was walking one of the Dalmatians.   I am not sure if this was the doggie that visited us earlier, since to me  they all look very much alike.
























Meanwhile, HittyBelle and I checked the backyard to assess any winter damage and came across a house plant that had been accidentally left out side.   We brought the poor little thing into the house to show Grandma Alice and Becassine.   Both said it was truly gone.





















My sisters were so happy to be in new clothes and outside without being bundled up that they insisted on having their picture taken.   Hitty Catherine was happy to oblige.  I suppose one would say that this was their way of welcoming spring.


















On that note, I will close this chapter and tell you that never since I have been writing this journal have I seen a spring that was more welcome!






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