Chapter Two Hundred Thirty Eight


It is technically 'spring' but there are days I think it is still winter and then some days feel more like summer.   The temperatures here in our part of the county have been ranging from freezing to in the 90s.   Changing clothes to fit the weather is almost a full time activity!








One of the lovely warm days we cleaned and got the playhouse ready for the summer. It had gotten quite dusty being closed all winter.    Grandma Alice supervised Hitty Sue with the hanging plant. 
































When the inside had been given a good cleaning, HittyPat and Hitty Paige quickly brought some dolls to play with. Becassine made sure they were safe and then went out to help with other chores.


























Grandma Alice is interested in almost all growing plants.   She discovered we had books about Bonsai and was quite pleased to see we had a small Bonsai tree that we had gotten from a friend several years ago.   She said she would be delighted to care for it as she had not had anything like it in Scotland and was looking forward to learning something new.




















On such a lovely day it was great for the Hittys to play outside.   Michael had been telling us that he was certain he had grown during the winter and was now ready for a bigger bike.   I think he had second thoughts when he realized the  handle bars were still a bit high for him to reach.


























Meanwhile in the library Hitty Colleen had been updating her notebook when Hitty Carol brought her a new large eraser in the form of an Oriental doll.   We had received it in the mail along with some Origami paper.   Hmmm I wonder which one of us will try that craft?



















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