Chapter Two Hundred Forty Five








The new rug is finished.   Esther has been working on a rug for Becassine and Grandma Alice's room for many weeks and now it is finally in place.  We were happy to keep her company while she worked.


























We took turns visiting their rooms to have a close look at it.   No one wanted to be the first to step on it!



































Michael came to investigate what was going on and his entrance really caused a bit of excitement!   He had been playing in mud puddles in the yard and had come directly in!   Oh no!
































Becassine to the rescue!  She quickly grabbed him and headed for the other room.
































She sat Michael down and cleaned all the mud off his shoes.  He also received a stern reminder that everyone should wipe their feet before coming into the house.   I suppose forgetting to do so is typical of little boys.


























Postscript: The rug is a Teresa Layman design stitched with DMC thread - French knots - one strand - one wrap.























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