Chapter Two Hundred Fifty Eight



We have just had a wonderful trip to Massachusetts.   We attended the Sturbridge Miniature Festival and spent several days before the show visiting with Hitty friends, some we hadn't seen since last year!   Spending time with friends and shopping at a miniature show is special!












Carol and Hitty Moonbeam picked Esther and us up in Zelienople on Wednesday to start the long drive to Sturbridge.  It is too long a drive for one day so we stopped for the night at a delightful little motel and had dinner along side the Erie Canal. 




















As we drove along, the excitement deepened.   Carol and Hitty Moonbeam could hardly be contained.   They knew that waiting for them was the house that had been ordered for them last year. A year’s work and  ump-teen emails was going to finally come to fruition!  They had already named it "Moonbeach Manor".





















We all got to watch the unveiling.  The project was made by "Art to Play With" and custom fitted to Hitty Moonbeam and her sisters’ needs.   It had two floors, a moveable wall and two fireplaces.


























All the designs were hand painted.  We were all impressed with the scene on the fireboard - a view of Preble House!   The fireboard also doubles as a painting to hang above the fireplace.  Hitty Colleen was quite impressed!
























Another highlight of our visit was lunch at the 'Soup to Nuts'. restaurant.   Last year we had commented that their tablecloths would look great as pinnys.   There was a lot of pleading that resulted in the owner giving Esther one of the tablecloths.   This year, we all showed up wearing our 'tablecloth' pinnys!























Then Saturday arrived and it was time to attend the show!   Oh what fun!   Hittys love to shop and we did our share!   There were goodies in our scale and of course, we wanted them all.   Esther did make us exercise some constraint.   We met a new friend, Hitty Rosie from Connecticut, and she and Hitty Colleen each fell in love with a sweater.  With all the choices, I don't know how they narrowed it down.























Hours both on Saturday evening, and until we left, on Sunday were spent shopping and visiting with more friends.   We arrived home on Monday and spent Tuesday unpacking.   As we did so, it was obvious one little item has captured the hearts of all of us.   She has been named Teddie and was made from a silk kimono by a lady in Japan.  

















I close this chapter with smiles and wonderful memories.   I am so glad to be a Hitty and have such wonderful friends and great times.   Esther agrees!


Postscript::  Hitty scale shopping at the Sturbridge Miniature Festival was at the "Art to Play With"/Judy Brown table.   Items shown available at their websites on








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