Chapter Two Hundred Sixty 








This first week of July was a time for a family visit and celebrate Independence Day.   The Robertsons did both.  Hitty Moonbeam's family arrived the middle of the week and we enjoyed their company.   Our little ones were delighted to meet Linnie Belle and her sister.  Hitty Colleen and Hitty Phyllis had taken them out to see the rabbits and of course Michael had to make sure they didn't let them out.
































It was delightful to have a few days without rain, so Grandma Alice took the opportunity of this beautiful weather to walk around the neighborhood and enjoy the various flowers. 



































The little Hittys are still fascinated with the neighbor's chickens and love to go visit them.





































Hitty Paige got so excited because she found an egg! Grandma Alice told her to carry it carefully and they would make sure it got to the owners.


































No 4th of July celebration is complete without treats and the Hitty household was no exception. Red, white and blue were the colors of the day.




























The Robertson Hittys had a lovely holiday and we hope that all the other Hitty families did also.   We are thankful for our wonderful country.   God bless America!






Postscript:  Linnie Belle and her little sister were carved by Judy Brown: -









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