Chapter Two Hundred Sixty Nine








We have a wonderful surprise!   Christmas came early! We were looking forward to Thanksgiving week visiting Hitty Moonbeam and her family and we were told there would be more than just the holiday.   Grandma Alice supervised the packing of the car and we were off.  Little did we know what was ahead for us.


































As we have been doing these past few years, only a few of us travel at one time.   That part was normal but when we didn't take the turnpike across Pennsylvania, we really began to wonder what was in store. It was a bright sunny day and we took time to stop along the way to enjoy the beautiful scenery.





























A couple of hours from home we stopped at a lovely wooded area where there were several cabins nestled in the hills with a small lake near by.  At this point Esther told us that one of those cabins was our new vacation home - a Christmas gift from Hitty Moonbeam's family!  We were in shock!































We walked along a path and entered the cabin Esther pointed to.   We went inside and even Hitty Colleen was speechless!   There was a large room with a fireplace with a huge moose head over it, a chair, some firewood and the most unusual Christmas tree I have ever seen!  




























It was a bit chilly so Ima built a small fire.  Where she gets some of her skills, I really don't know but we were grateful to have a bit of warmth.    Hitty Kate checked out the view through the window and Hitty Colleen admired the only decoration - a very nice simple sampler.




































The Christmas tree was the most amazing surprise in the room. Not only because it was made of balls of fabric, but also wondering why it was here.   We found out later that the tree was part of the plan to make the cabin a Christmas gift! 


































We spent several hours looking around the property and the cabin.  All we could think of was what to bring to make it comfortable.   It will be so much fun making it our vacation home.   As my sisters said goodbye, their thoughts and minds were on how delightful it is going to be to have a vacation home not too far away.  I can just imagine sledding and skiing on those nearby hills, fishing in the lake and playing games by the fireplace.   Oh my, I can hardly wait until the rest of my sisters and Michael see this place!  It is hard to believe it truly is ours.















We did continue on to Maryland  and had a lovely visit with family and friends.   I do hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.   We Hittys have much to be thankful for and not just on Thanksgiving Day.



Postscript:   The cabin is a creation of "Art to Play With" -







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