Chapter Two Hundred Seventy Three



Being a Hitty is truly wonderful.  We are in some ways like 'lilies of the field', we neither work nor worry.   We live a pampered life!   In this Hitty household not only do we have a person to care for us but also Becassine and Grandma Alice.   We are a very happy family!












We keep checking our email for news of our sister Hitty Helen and how she is enjoying her trip to the UK.     I am sure by now she is well rested from jet lag. She emailed us a picture of herself meeting Hitty Helen Miller.  The two Hittys  thought it a funny coincidence that they both have the same name and are on the same trip!




























We took notice of their warmer weather.   Hitty Madge took them for a walk in Oakmere Park and they found snow drops! No such possibility here, we are truly in the midst of winter weather.































Meanwhile here at home we are celebrating Valentine's Day.  Hitty Catherine decided to entertain us with some music.   Hitty Sue was glad to make suggestions as to what songs to play. I know music isn't what one thinks of for this holiday but it does add to any party. 































Greeting cards and sweet treats are the traditional ways to celebrate Valentine's Day so Grandma Alice and Becassine made sure we had plenty of each.  I am always amazed at their creative abilities.
































To make the day more festive we dressed for the occasion.  We gathered together in the library to enjoy the treats and  exchange cards from each other and from friends.  Sometimes the little notes are quite amusing.





































We get so involved with what we are doing that at times the little ones are ignored.   Hitty Paige had spent most of the day playing with the little wooden man and when we heard her complaining, Hitty Colleen took notice.   Little boys will be boys at times and Michael had decided that was the toy he wanted to play with, which created the unhappy situation for Hitty Paige.   Hitty Colleen to the rescue!










I close this chapter with best wishes a for happy Valentines Day for all.   We are half way through February which means spring can't be too far behind.


Pictures shown on the Hittys' computer were taken by Lorraine Tyler. Hitty Helen's trip to the United Kingdom and New Zealand can be followed on:     






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