Chapter Two Hundred Eighty Seven









Time goes so fast.   It seemed such a short time ago that we had put the Halloween decorations away and now it was time to decide as to how  many of us would go along on the trip to Maryland for the Thanksgiving holiday.   After much thought, it was decided that Grandma Alice, Ima, Hitty Colleen and I would make the trip.



















We were very fortunate to have excellent road conditions the day we traveled.   Dry roads and no threat of any precipitation was the best.  We left early in the week so as to avoid the heaviest traffic.  

















The two holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to be linked more and more each year.   The turkey is always the centerpiece for Thanksgiving  but  most of the conversation was about giving gifts.  Hitty Moonbeam suggested a trip to Santa's workshop would be fun! 


































Usually it is children that have the longest talks with Santa so I was surprised to see Grandma Alice and Santa have quite a chat.  Perhaps she was discussing the behavior of the Robertson Hittys! 

































We spent most the week visiting and looking at

all the changes Hitty Moonbeam and her sisters had made in their home.   Of course, Grandma Alice had to see everything.  Her favorite was the beautiful hand painted armoire in the upstairs room, a gift from a dear friend.


































All too soon it was time to return home.   The weather that day was not quite as nice as when we came.   It was much colder and since we  chose to take the longer, more scenic way, we did get to see a few snow flakes in the higher elevations.    One has a choice for this trip – either the Pennsylvania turnpike with narrow lanes and heavy traffic or the scenic route which follows the path of the National Highway, old route #40.   It adds almost an hour to the trip but has a delightful stopping place midway.  It is always a treat to stop at the Penn Alps restaurant whether it is in the middle of summer or the week-end after Thanksgiving.  Seeing their decorations really enhanced our holiday mood!















I hope all our readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving also.  Hitty friends all have much for which to be thankful!






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