Chapter Two Hundred Ninety









January was finally over and we started to look forward to Valentine Day.   We made some cards and decorated the library room.   We had heard visitors from Virginia were coming and there was going to be a Hitty Club meeting also.  Oh what excitement!! 

































Time seemed to creep ever so  slowly but finally the day arrived and our visitors were actually here!  We are always so happy to see the Brown and Blair Hitty families.  We also had a new visitor from Ohio and I hear we are to see those Hittys again.  






























The first evening we visited and then the next morning the Hitty Club members and their Hittys arrived.  Everyone was dressed in hearts of some sort and ready to celebrate!  Oh I wish I had pictures of them all but I don't.   There is always so much excitement and moving around that Esther says taking pictures is not an easy task.  



























Lunch at Hitty Club is always a special treat and even more so when we have visitors.   There were cookies, quiche, jello pudding, candies, crackers, cheeses and all in the shape of a heart.  Even the ice cubes in the water glasses were heart shaped!   Those ladies certainly put a lot of effort into making the lunch special and it is very much appreciated.


































After lunch there was a fun project.   The ladies made strips of various fabrics into an eight point star involving quite a bit of careful folding.   I must say, I heard a lot of groans during the process but all were happy in the end.  































The day went by all too quickly. There was even a chance to do a bit of shopping.   It is hard to resist and Esther didn't!   We added a new member to our Hitty family.   She doesn't have an official name yet but she was made very welcome by the little ones in our family. 
























I close this chapter with many, many happy memories.   Whether it is a holiday or just a group of Hitty people getting together, it is special.  Hitty friends are the best!





Postscript:  The new little family member with blond hair was created by Judy Brown.







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