Chapter Fifty Four



There has been so much activity this past couple of weeks.  Esther went to the N.A.M.E. National Convention (National Association of Miniaturist Enthusiasts) in Pittsburgh and she said we could attend also, but first we had to get ready for some visitors.  The convention started with some people taking workshops and others taking tours of attractions in the area.  A bus full of people came to our house to see Twin Manor!  Several of Esther'sfriends arrived just before the bus and they helped answer questions and one even explained about us Hittys.  It was a very exciting morning and after the bus pulled away Esther finished packing  and we  joined the group at the hotel.









We went along as Esther registered and watched as she went from table to table picking up various items.  The theme of the convention was "All Across America" and there were red, white and blue decorations all around. The Hospitality table even had some candy which interested HittyBelle.












Our next stop was at the table with a large glass case that held examples of all the items that were being offered at the Roundtable Workshops.  We were surprised that they were in several different scales but still they were all smaller than the Hitty scale.  Since most of the ladies attending the convention like to make things there was a lot of interest in this display.












Upon our arrival we also discovered that the group of ladies Esther visits with were involved in a project to earn money for N.A.M.E.  In one of their rooms they had set up a work area to make little American flag pins using tiny beads and small pins.  They would complain and complain but we could tell they were just joking and really happy to be able to do something so worth while. I wish we could have been of some help.   Each day their production increased and I believe they made about 75 of those little pins! They wore them everywhere they went.










The convention got under way formally with an opening luncheon.  I was quite pleased that Esther let us attend.  HittyBelle and Hitty Carol even got to look closely at one of the center pieces.  Each was different and had a theme built around a popular book and our luncheon one was about Jack London.  At the banquet, our centerpiece was about "Green Eggs & Ham."










After several days of hearing talk of the wonderful things  about N.AM.E. we asked if we could join.  After several inquiries it was decided we could join as 'family members' and be included in Esther's membership but we each would have to fill out an application.  Being under age, so to speak, Esther was only required to pay the minimum for us and she said we really didn't need copies of the magazine. The lady at the registration desk said we were the first dolls to become members!  We were so proud!










The ladies that had been working on beads for days thought it would be nice to get a break, so on Friday afternoon they went to High Tea at a lovely old hotel across town.  We went along and so did our Hitty friends. We marveled how lovely the crystal chandeliers were and the ambiance of this wonderful lobby.  The ladies were served champagne, tea, scones and delightful little sandwiches and sweets.  Each agreed that was the perfect activity! 











When our Hitty friends found out that we had joined N.A.M.E. they wanted to join also!  We were certain their mothers would have no objection so we took them over to the registration table and they too filled out the necessary applications.  We all are so excited and proud to be the very first dolls to join. I wonder what reaction there will be when these forms are processed at the main office.  It  should be interesting.










There were several events that Esther did not take us along, such as the auction and several recognition parties but all in all we had a marvelous time.  Pittsburgh is where two rivers meet and form the Ohio river and this event was held in the hotel right at the point where they meet.  Esther showed us a poster of the area that had been taken at night. When the closing brunch ended all our belongings were gathered and Russell came to get us.  It had been a wonderful, exciting time but like the saying goes, "There is no place like home."


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