Chapter Eighty Three






As I turned the page of the calendar to the month of July, there was a beautiful picture of American flags depicting the 4th of July.   I immediately went out in the yard to remind my sisters that it was now July and this year we should show Becassine our local customs for the celebration of our Independence Day.  We explained to her that the 4th of July was when our country won its independence from England.    She understood and related it to July 14th in France, the day they celebrate Bastille Day.


















Tradition was the order of the day!  Every year, rain or shine, Zelienople has a parade on Main Street and most of the residents turn out to watch.   There are bands, fire trucks, people dressed as Uncle Sam, doggies in costume, tractors, vintage cars, and horses at the end.   There are also Little League teams, riding in decorated trucks, that toss candy to the children along the street. The candy didn't  interest us but we were particularly fascinated by the bagpipes.  Oh such wonderful music! 

















After the parade Esther and Russell helped us  move the swing  and  set up our picnic table in the back yard.   Becassine told us she knew how to use a grill so we put her in charge of the cooking.  Hotdogs, hamburgers, potato chips and all kinds of finger foods were the menu for a traditional picnic lunch.    The 4th of July is a day many families get together with their relatives and friends if they live close but here at our house there are many Hittys and that makes a big family!

















After the picnic lunch it is tradition to play some kind of game.  We set up the croquet set and played until we got tired.  Fortunately  Tasha was in the house sleeping so she could not  chase the  moving balls.  HittyBelle got to the post first making her the winner! 

























After dark that evening we went to see the fireworks display.    They were spectacular!  All the colors of the rainbow!  With each burst of color we would exclaim! What a wonderful way to end a holiday.














All we Hittys  enjoyed the day and are proud of our American heritage from that "rare piece of Americana" from which we are descended.


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