Chapter Ninety Six



What is there about Hittys that people do not seem to be satisfied with only one?  The original Hitty lived her life for a hundred years as an only doll and still does.  Maybe it is because today we are in the category of 'collectables' and not just a companion to someone that we live in families of Hittys.  Well, at least most of the ones of my acquaintance do.  We certainly do in this household and the number keeps growing.  It is so tempting to get another Hitty as new carvers keep appearing on the scene and each has their own style.  Basically we are alike but each artist interprets his or her vision. 


As you have probably surmised by now, there is a new addition to our family.  She came about quite unexpectedly.  Her name is Hitty Ann and she was carved by Gale Lyons.  It all started on Esther's birthday. When she turned on her computer that morning, there on Hittygirls was a picture of a beautiful Hitty for sale by a carver of whom she was not familiar.   Oh she thought,  what a wonderful birthday present she would make!  But alas, even though she  sent an email as quickly as she could, the Hitty had already been adopted.  So, when another one, just as pretty became available, she came to live with us!   You might say, a belated birthday present!







This particular month of March has seemed so very long to us as we looked out at the dreary dark days and we longed for spring to come.   Here it was the week before Easter and not even a crocus was blooming!    HittyBelle tried to tell Hitty Ann that the weather here was not always this bleak.





















Just about that time Carol came and drove Russell, Esther and some of us Hittys to Maryland for a visit  and then on to Virginia for Easter.   Oh, how pleased we all were to go south into nicer weather.   Instead of traveling in our usual bag where we can't  see anything, Esther put us in the pocket behind the car seat.    I like this way of travel so much better.
















The trip from our part of Pennsylvania to Maryland takes out across the turnpike.  On a mountain at one of the highest parts were strange windmills.   Russell explained that it was  a way of producing electricity.





















As soon as we arrived in Maryland we looked for flowers.   The Bradford pear trees were in bloom all along the streets.  Oh how wonderful to see blossoms again.  Hitty Carol rushed out into the yard and climbed onto the branches of the nearest forsythia bush she could find.  She coaxed Hitty Ann into joining her.  It was wonderful just be out in the warm sunshine again.
























In another part of the yard were some beautiful hyacinths blooming and Hitty Lara had to take a closer look.   I think perhaps our excitement of  seeing spring time bloom may have made us each a bit giddy.























We stayed in Maryland for several days and on one of them we went on a drive across the  Chesapeake Bay and to one of Russell's favorite restaurants, the Harris Crab House.  Usually we do not get out of our travel bag in restaurants but Carol insisted on having our picture taken sitting in the basket of crackers!   
















We then went on to Virginia for the Easter holiday.  The family gathered to watch the four little great grandchildren, ages 17 months to 6 years of age, gather eggs.  It was a wonderful time away and we hope that all the Hittys everywhere had as wonderful a holiday as we did!




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