Chapter One Hundred Forty Seven








Shortly after our visitor week-end we received a package from a friend  who had just returned from a walking trip in Europe.  We thought it very sweet of her to remember us.   We were delighted and could hardly wait to open the package. 























Our days are now returning to normal and the little ones are enjoying the wonderful summer weather.   Becassine is kept quite busy just making sure they are safe.   She is fearful that with all their different modes of transportation they might just take off down the street!





















Michael loves the month of June.   It is firefly season and he delights in showing off his catches to HittyPat and Hitty Paige.
































June is also the month for local strawberries and Hitty Colleen wanted to show off her strawberry dress as well as her ability to get a bargain.   I suspect she just used her charm on the fruit stand attendant as she  brought back most of her shopping money.  


























We Robertson Hittys have another event to remember in June.  It is three years ago this very week that our beloved Becassine came to live with us.  Oh that was such an exciting day!   I don't know how we ever got along without her.  She has never told us the date of her birthday so we surprised her with different strawberry desserts to commemorate her becoming part of our family.















I close this chapter with a line from a James Russell Lowell's poem.  "What is so rare as a day in June?"    Dear readers, I certainly don't know!







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