Chapter One Hundred Forty Nine


It is the 4th of July holiday!   This year it is an even longer celebration, a three day week-end.  Usually the celebration is only for that one day but not this year.   The 4th fell on a Sunday so Zelienople celebrated on Monday.








We Hittys wanted to participate in the town's parade so we started to get ready a day early.   In order to look our best, we made sure our bikes were as clean as could be.  

























Decorating them was the next step.   It took  quite some time to weave all those ribbons of paper in and out of the spokes of the wheels.   HittyBelle and Hitty Colleen were better at it than the rest of us.  They had such fun!





























Meanwhile Becassine and I hung the bunting on the playhouse.  It made our playhouse look just as festive as the other houses in town.   We are so pleased!



































The morning of the 4th, we thought we better make sure everything was in order.  Oh what fun riding around the yard! Tasha and Puppy even got into the act and were proud to wear a bow or scarf around their necks!























The parade on Main Street was just as exciting as we had remembered from previous years.   There were fire trucks, little girls dancing and waving batons, boys and girls riding bicycles, wagons, scooters and anything with wheels!  Some doggies walked and others rode in  wagons.  I was surprised that none of them barked!   Tasha behaved also.   It seemed to me that everyone in town was there.






















After the parade we had a picnic in our backyard.    This is an American tradition.   All up and down the block there were families doing the same thing.

After dark this evening everyone in town will turn out to watch fireworks.

















We hope all our Hitty friends have had a wonderful celebration of our great country's birthday!  God bless America!





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