Chapter One Hundred Fifty Six


Thanksgiving! Time is moving so quickly!  It seems that the holidays were barely over and here it is that time again.  We Hittys look forward to Halloween and then the rush begins.   Questions as to where are we going to spend the various holidays, shopping, making gifts, decorating the house all come to mind.   Russell and Esther are planning on going to Maryland to spend Thanksgiving week at their daughter's house so we Hittys decided to have our celebration a week early.








We started our Thanksgiving with a beautiful but chilly morning and a missing Michael!  A glance out the window brought relief that he was safe but - what did he think needed fixed?  He never was specific about his project but acted pleased with himself.   When I get time, I must check our playhouse.


























The kitchen was bustling with activity early.  Becassine put the turkey in first as it needed the longest cooking time.































Next came all the other preparations.   I mixed the dough for pies while Hitty Catherine got out the ingredients for other dishes.   She won't be eating dinner with us as she is leaving today to spend the week at her friend's house.  They plan to help serve dinner at the food kitchen next Thursday. I did so appreciate her help before  it was time for her to leave.




























There were enough tasks for each of us to have some participation.  As in many households, this was the time to use the 'good' china.   Hitty Missy and Hitty Helen took great care in setting the table.




























As the day wore on, various dishes were finished and placed on the kitchen table.   Esther commented that holiday dinners take hours of preparation and are consumed in a relatively short time!   Maybe that is why cooking is not something she enjoys doing, she likes to spend her time on things that have a longer life.

























At last all was ready.  Becassine proudly carried in the turkey!
































As we took our places Becassine lead the little ones to the kitchen as she had chosen to eat her dinner with them.  I gave the blessing and then asked each of my sisters to tell what they had been the most thankful for this past year. We were unanimous in being thankful for being part of the Robertson family and the enjoyment we get from being a Hitty family.






















Long past the hour when all was consumed, dishes cleared, washed and stored we took our leave of Becassine and let her have a quiet moment.   At times like this, she misses her home in France even though we try our best to assure her of our love.   Honestly, I don't know how we would manage without her!  She is just one of our many blessings!



























We want to wish all the Hittys and their families safe travel and a Happy Thanksgiving!







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