Chapter One Hundred Sixty Eight






Every household has chores and we are no exception.   Becassine and HittyBelle announced that today was laundry day. She said we all didn't have to help but she would appreciate a couple of volunteers.
























Hitty Colleen and little Antonia were the first to offer help and each pitched in until the job was done.  I think laundry is like dirty dishes, it is never ending!































HittyBelle is quite particular about having the ironing done just right.   Actually she is a bit like Esther, she would rather iron than cook!   Becassine and I are both relieved that she enjoys that chore.






























It wasn't long until some of our  sisters wandered in and out of the laundry room.   As each one would come by, HittyBelle would find something for her to do.   She showed Hitty Pilar and Hitty Missy just the way she wanted the napkins folded.






























After a long day with many of us helping, Hitty Colleen took the last pieces to the bedroom and put them neatly in the dresser drawer.   Becassine told her how pleased she was to have had such good helpers!




















We Robertson Hittys have had a very good week.   Hitty Club met Monday and the ladies worked on finishing various projects.   It was good to see everyone again and we talked about how each of us planned to celebrate our nation's birthday.   I hope all our readers have a fun-filled and safe 4th of July!







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