Chapter One Hundred Seventy Three






Well this is a first, we have been asked to enter a contest about naming a Longhorn!  I didn't know quite what  to make of it but read the posting and this is a fine piece of Breyer artistry from an antique shop.   It certainly looks scaled to our size.   This must be the beginning of the festivities for the Texas Hitty Gathering for which we have been waiting a whole year!


























So we could all get a good look at it, Esther printed the picture and set it on the workbench.   One by one we came to look at it.   Michael gasped!

At his size, it was a bit overwhelming. 































Becassine took one look and decided she was not going to get involved.   Actually she is not planning to make the trip to Texas with us.   Not all of our Hitty family will be attending  so she is going to stay home and be in charge of keeping order here at home.




























Most of us were interested in the picture but no one could come up with a name.    We understand that this actual little Longhorn will find a home with the lucky winner whose suggested name gets the most votes.

































We all had many questions, not only about the animal but Texas in general.   None of us, not even Esther, has ever been to Texas.   I thought we should learn more about it and so off we went to the computer and Google!   There was a wealth of information.
















At this point in time, we will gather as much knowledge as we can, check to see if we have all the necessary clothing and try to be patient for the next couple of weeks to pass quickly.   I know we in the world of Hitty are not alone!











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