Chapter One Hundred One



Happenings at this house never cease to amaze me.  Just when I thought everything was in order and quite peaceful, a new sister arrived!  I can tell you already, she is no wall flower!   This one's arrival was different than expected.   On a day when Esther expects a package she goes into her 'I  must stay where I can hear the doorbell' mode but this time, the doorbell did not work.   When by 11:00 the Priority Mail had not come, she looked outside and there in the mailbox was the  'Failure to Deliver' message! I think smoke came out of her ears as she called the post office!  She was told to come at 4:00, well to Esther, this was light years away!




When she did pick it up, there were other errands to run and so as she waited in the car for Russell, she made good use of her car keys and opened the box right there in the parking lot!   So you see, Hitty Colleen's  entry into our family did not happen in the serenity of our home.  Esther should have suspected right then and there that this Hitty carved by Judy Brown was not going to be the norm!










First thing upon arrival she saw the basket of dresses.  She grabbed a ladder from the workbench and by the time I knew what she was doing, she had tried on three dresses! 





















In a matter of minutes once she was dressed she raced over to the workbench where Esther had the little souvenir books she was working on in neat order.   She charged right through the pile and then asked what they were. She did apologize for making a  mess but hurried on to one of the Hitty rooms.  I told her to please slow down, that she now lived here and could take her time.   Hitty Colleen was not listening! 


















She introduced herself to Hitty Beth and asked what she was reading.   Hitty Beth explained  she was  reading  a story to HittyPat and asked her if she would also like to sit and listen.   Hitty Colleen, of course, was too anxious to see everything and meet everyone to bother sitting still for even a minute!














About this time I started wondering if Esther had ever heard of the nursery rhyme  the 'Old Woman in the Shoe.'    It seems to be that we are reaching a similar state.   I was also curious why she had been given an Irish name since Robertsons come from Scotland.  She said that when she took Hitty Colleen out of the box, it was the name that just popped into her head and it just fit.









Oh my, I then heard sounds of a ruckus but could hear Becassine had the situation under control.   Hitty Colleen had found the overalls and was about to claim them for herself.   Hitty Ann explained they were hers but Becassine explained to both of them that all the clothes are shared.
























Sounds of music could be heard coming from the next room and  off she went.  She had never seen a piano before and wanted Hitty Carol to teach her how to play it right then and there.   Hitty Carol explained that learning to play the piano takes time and that she had taken piano lessons.


















Even though this spirited Hitty might take some getting used to, we all are delighted to have Hitty Colleen join our ever growing family.  I will bring this chapter to a close now but want to update everyone that Esther has been  busy making the little souvenir books of Chapter 100 and has been pleased with the response from our readers.  The information as to how to obtain the little book as a gift is available at the end of the last chapter. 





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