Chapter One Hundred Three



We have just returned from a wonderful three day road trip.  It really was not for our benefit but of course, some of us went along.  Esther, Carol and two of the Hitty Club ladies, Millie and Toni went to Kentucky to see the new wing for miniatures (chapter #97) and then they diddy bopped through Ohio.  I was not sure what was meant by diddy bopping but was not averse to finding out.






As we were driving through south eastern Ohio Carol saw a sign about a huge scoop that had been used in the days when coal was strip mined in this area and so we stopped.  The ladies explained that this was what was meant by diddy bopping just stopping where ever we came across something interesting.

We were overwhelmed with its size.  Note in the picture the size of the trash can and building compared with its size.  One of the pictures in the little building showed an entire high school band standing in it!   


















Esther took this picture and printed it to show the inside.  We are standing on the workbench and the picture is attached to the wall.  This way you can get an idea of how huge it really is.
























Since Carol's grade school days she has been interested in the ancient Indian mounds in Ohio.   Last year when she and Esther went to the Longaberger Basket Homestead they stopped at the Alligator Mound near Columbus.  This year they took a different route and stopped at the great Serpent Mound in Adams County, Ohio. 




















Carol was thrilled!  She and Millie climbed to the top of the observation tower and walked the entire length.   It is, as stated, in the shape of a snake with various curves denoting the summer solstice etc.    I am not sure we Hittys understood.

























The next morning we Hittys got a bit impatient waiting for the ladies to get ready to leave so we just sat on the curb in the parking lot of the hotel waiting and waiting and waiting!   This was the first trip Hitty Grace, carved by Toni  took with us and I wonder if she will be willing to do it again.   
























We spent some time at the museum and then off to the antique shops in a near by town.   This time Esther did buy us a toy.   We brought home a soft cuddly gorilla!   When Hitty Colleen started to play with it, Becassine thought it was real and feared for her safety.














We are all excited and are looking forward to visitors.  Hitty-Esther, Hitty Emily and Hitty Em are back home in DC and are planning a visit. They will stay for the Hitty Club meeting next week.  Oh what fun that will be!





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