Chapter One Hundred Nine






What a party!   We are still catching our breath!  Hitty Club met yesterday and we spent the day before getting ready for the Halloween Party.  The front yard of the witch's house provided the perfect setting.  Hitty Colleen  prepared the tub for the traditional apple bobbing and Hitty Lara and I set up the table.

















The Hittys arrived wearing different costumes.  I can't  remember who dressed as whom!  There was Raggedy Ann, Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, Little Red Riding Hood, a native American, a southwest costume and of course, witches in many styles.  I might add that a visiting dog come just as herself!  






















The guests enjoyed the treats of candied apples, glasses of cider and a Halloween cake.



























After watching several others bob for apples, Hitty Lara decided to give it a try.  In our family, it is usually Hitty Colleen that is the one to try anything first!





















On Hitty Club day, the ladies bring lunch but this time, they planned something quite different!   It was a Halloween inter-active lunch!  All the ladies were called to the kitchen and there they proceeded to make broomsticks out of bread dough, Halloweenies made of wieners wrapped in bread dough with eyes of mustard applied after baking and witches hats.   These were then served with swamp salad, bat wing chips,  pumpkin chili, and cookies for dessert.







































After lunch we Hittys tried to decide which costume was the best but that proved to be impossible.   We liked them all!  We finally settled on the three character costumes as being the most different among us.



























The last part of the day was the project.   Now that I think of it, maybe we should have had this project last month and then we could all have shown up at the party as pumpkins!






















The day after the party, HittyPat received a gift in the mail of an  adorable Halloween costume! She rushed to the site of the party and  wondered, "Where did everybody go!"











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