Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Three



Hitty Helen is back home.   It seemed to us she had been gone for ages!   She attended this year's session of Camp Piney Woods in Theresa, New York.  We kept track of her activities via the pictures that were posted on Hittygirls so we knew she was having a good time.  






As soon as she came home, she let us go through all her souvenirs while she got her clothes ready for the laundry.  I was quite impressed with the sea shells, Hitty Colleen liked the book of camp songs and Michael kept asking her if he had the paper hat made of newspapers on correctly.  I do we wish we all could go to camp but Esther explained that she would miss us too much to ever let us all go.












This is the week of the 4th of July and so it was off to the store to buy some items for our celebration.   Many stores had red, white and blue decorations and at the one shopping center we came across the cutest figures made of straw and paper.   They were just our size!  We certainly hoped they were taken in at night and rainy weather since they wouldn't last long if not!


















As we continued to shop, we were suddenly aware that Michael was missing!   Becassine soon found him headed for the fireworks tent.  























Each year tents featuring fireworks for sale spring up every few miles.  It is amazing just how many things people can come up with to make noise!  We made our selections and headed back to the car for the ride home.
























It was obvious Michael had not had any experience with firecrackers!  Somehow he managed to get the box of matches and the firecrackers without anyone seeing him. This was big trouble about to happen!

























Fortunately Becassine was alert and stopped the disaster!  It is plain to see that Michael was in for some sort of punishment! 



















The Robertson Hittys wish everyone a safe and Happy 4th of July!   God Bless America!




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