Chapter One Hundred Twenty Eight









Our day started with putting the craft room in order.  Esther had finished our whale rug and hung it  on the wall.  We set about tidying the rest of the room.




















While we were indoors the little ones had gone out to play in their sandbox.   They were not out there very long until we heard a commotion.   Becassine had just discovered that they had taken the measuring cup and some bowls from the kitchen.   Michael thought surely these would not be harmed.  After all, it was just sand!



















With such excitement we too had to investigate.   By this time they were playing with toys for which Becassine had given her approval.   Tasha even got into the act by insisting on a ride on the tractor trailer.  They hadn't had time to build a road but it really didn't matter.  They were having such a good time.




















All this was too much for HittyBelle and Hitty Colleen to resist and so into the sandbox they went!  Hitty Colleen took over the tractor and Michael tried to be patient which is sometimes very hard for little boys.
























Becassine kept a watchful eye as to who actually sat in the sand and who did not. When playtime was over those that did, got a good brushing off! 















Summer is coming to a close and the neighborhood children will be returning to school.   I wonder what we will find to get into next?



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