Chapter One Hundred Thirty One



We had a solid week of rain, then frost and there was snow just north of here.  It really looked like beautiful fall weather had come to an end and winter was just around the corner.  Then sunshine and warmer temperatures returned and we had a few days to bask in Indian Summer.  We Hittys took advantage of it and headed for the town park.










Hitty Colleen and Hitty Catherine ran ahead and when they got there they saw a strange dog.  It was the color of the leaves on the ground and at first they weren't sure it was real since it was so still.   They approached it slowly and noticed it did not have a collar or lead so it must have gotten loose from its owner.  





















In just a few minutes my sisters started arriving but alas the strange dog had run away.  I do hope it got back to its home safely.


























We spent most of the afternoon roaming around the park but we all agreed to stay in one particular area so we wouldn't get lost.  Michael delighted in making a pile of dry leaves in which to play.   Little boys can find so many ways to have a good time!





















Tasha looked like she wanted to play so he convinced Hitty Carol  it would be OK to let her loose for just a  little bit.  He had such a good time trying to cover her with leaves but she kept wiggling each time he tried to cover her face. 















We had a fun time enjoying the beautiful colors.   Hitty Elizabeth is still visiting and  she said the leaves had turned to fall colors at her home.  We teased her that our colored leaves rivaled those in her New England home.










Later in the  afternoon Becassine brought little HittyPat to the park.   For all of October, she has insisted on wearing her Halloween outfit she received last year.   She missed last year's party and is determined not to miss it this year.  I really don't know if we are going to have a party but if we do, she will be ready!










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