Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five








The days before Christmas are passing ever so slowly.   We Hittys are ready!   Esther, on the other hand, said the days are rushing by and she still has many things to do.   We put the Christmas tree up and decorated the mantel.   In one of the boxes, we found a drum and Michael was certain it was meant for a little boy to play.   Maybe he has heard that song about the little boy and his drum.




















Hitty Carol and HittyBelle were in charge of the tree and both of them were pleased with their efforts.

























Hitty Catherine had promised to bring her keyboard over to the parlor so Hitty Colleen could play it.   I think she found out it wasn't quite as easy as she thought it would be.  























Each evening when we are ready for bed, we turn the lights down low and I read a Christmas story.  Their favorite is "The Night Before Christmas" and I can almost recite it without even looking at the book. 





















To us it seems forever for the days to pass until Christmas but each night as we say goodnight, we are one day closer to the big day!


















The Robertsons and the Hittys wish all our readers a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!







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