Chapter One Hundred Forty Four



In Zelienople and across the country, Saturday is yard sale day.   We thought yard sales would be the best place to look for furniture for our new playhouse.  Early this morning, HittyBelle, Hitty Colleen and Hitty Catherine took off down the street to see why all the cars had been going up and down the block.   They discovered a big yard sale and to their delight, there was the perfect size doll furniture at a most reasonable price.   They asked the lady not to sell it while they hurried back home to get a wagon.  
















Oh my the excitement as they brought the wagon into the backyard! Michael wasn't so sure as it didn't look quite boyish to him.   The girls explained that their dolls would just love it.  It had just enough 'old and lightly used' look about it that even at first glance, I knew it was perfect. 
























Once we got the pieces out of the wagon, we had a disturbing thought!  How do we get them up that ladder? It looked far higher than before.  We knew Esther would be glad to help us but sometimes we first like to try things on our own.    


























After a bit of brainstorming, we came up with idea of tying the pieces with a rope and pulling them up.   We had difficulty holding the rope as our hands are mitten style and no fingers to help grab onto things.   After several unsuccessful tries we found a solution.  We tied the rope to our hands and that worked!

























It has taken most of the day, but we finally got all the pieces into the playhouse.   Next we had to decide just where to place them.  Michael was still giving us a bit of trouble.   He climbed up on the table so as to see out the window but HittyBelle removed him in hurry.




























We moved the pieces here and there and finally decided a placement for the time being.  We may change them around as we play but for now we are quite pleased.  When we showed Esther what we had done, she was so proud of us and agreed, we had found perfect furnishings for the new playhouse.  We expect to spend many happy hours here this summer.  We can hardly wait to show it to our dollies!














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