Chapter One Hundred Fifty Five






October has been a busy month!  We have had several sets of visitors and more to come! We love having visitors and meeting other Hittys.    This week our visitors were from the Ashtabula area of Ohio.   We were delighted to show Hitty Grace and Hitty Lynn our new room.  I do believe they have talked their mother into getting them some of the same things.






















We took them into the craft room to show them our canary. We still haven't decided upon a name.    We call her 'Birdie' and I suspect that just might turn out to be her name.   They liked the bird just fine but Hitty Lynn saw the 'felt wee folks' dolls that our earlier visitor had brought us.  She teased Hitty Colleen that the one that matched her dress really should go home with her.   Hitty Colleen said no way that was going to happen!   




















Also this month, the weather has been heavenly!  We have been treated to beautiful blue skies and warm days.  It is Esther's favorite time of year plus she is a football fan.    We have sat with Esther as she has watched her favorite football teams and even tried a bit of playing ourselves.    Michael wanted to join in the fun but since he has insisted on wearing his Halloween costume all month, he was not as agile and really had trouble joining us.



























HittyBelle and Hitty Helen actually got quite good at tossing the ball and even were able to keep it away from Tasha!





























Since October is the month to celebrate Halloween we started decorating our playhouse.   We had gotten a really nice pumpkin but gave up on getting it up the ladder.




































I had forgotten how many little decorations we had stored from other years.   My sisters and I enjoyed opening all the boxes and deciding  where to place various things.   I wonder if after wearing a lion costume all month, if Michael will be willing to go back to being a little boy!

















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