Chapter One Hundred Seventy Eight


We had a delightful visit to Maryland with family for Thanksgiving and then on to Colonial Williamsburg for a few days.   This was not our usual sightseeing trip like we have done several times before.   We did visit many of our usual stops but spent most of the time shopping and enjoying the outdoors.   The weather was absolutely beautiful!  Not even a sweater was needed!





Our first stop was the Williamsburg Visitor Center.   This is where  tickets are purchased and one can see the film about life at the time of the start of the Revolutionary War.  Just wandering through the building and looking at the many pictures treats visitors to a marvelous lesson in history.













There are also two very interesting shops and of course, we had to start our shopping!   A lot of the merchandise was for Christmas so we were pleased to get some things to decorate our house.


















With such beautiful weather, we just couldn't stay indoors.   No visit to Williamsburg is ever complete without a stroll on Duke of Gloucester Street.   It never changes.

















This was the week before their Grand Illumination and so there was a fury of decorating.   Greens, ribbons and fruits were made in the most beautiful array of wreaths and garlands. 











(If my readers were hoping for pictures of the Tasha Tudor dollhouse which is housed in the DeWitt Wallace Museum in Williamsburg,  please read Chapter #90 of this Journal)  








After a couple of days, it was back to Maryland and more shopping.   Esther likes to gather in a supply of fabric before winter and so we visited three quilt shops.  I do believe she will have a busy winter and I know we Hittys will be the ones who benefit!












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