Chapter One Hundred Seventy Nine


Like the words of the music heard in the stores these days, "It's that time of year."  December is the busiest month of the entire year for most households.   So many things must be done - shopping, wrapping gifts, decorating, greeting cards, and cookie baking.  In addition, there are the usual workings of a household.   The Robertson Hittys' life style fits the bill exactly.







Becassine was delighted to put the new centerpiece on the table.   Since this is the first Christmas the Hittys from Argentina  have been with us, she feels there are a lot of our traditions that  may need to be explained to Hitty Pilar and Hitty Sabrina.





























Time was spent making all the goodies.   Hittys are no exception to wanting all the traditional treats.   Cookies, candy canes and peppermint sticks top the list.






































Gifts and more gifts were wrapped.   Michael likes to read the names on all the packages and of course, he is looking for ones addressed to him.


























Amid all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas festivities, Esther has had a big distraction.   She told us about the early Christmas gift, a Dutch Baby House,  our friends Hitty-Esther and Hitty-Calamity had received and she was absolutely sure we needed the same thing.  For many years at miniature shows she had admired them.   To make her happy, I got on the internet and tracked down one for us.  It will be the subject of many chapters in the future!


















Meanwhile it was time to concentrate on Christmas and we are now ready.  There is a festive feeling with a light covering of snow on the ground and  most of the Robertson family is expected to arrive on various days.  We Hittys  spent the afternoon having tea in our parlor and enjoying the season.





















The Robertson family and Hittys wish all our readers a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!




















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