Chapter One Hundred Eighty Nine







Since Ima came to live with us she has been quite interested in learning more about Hittys.  She has asked a constant stream of questions  so I told her the best way to know our history is to read the book and that was exactly what she did. 




























Ima was impressed that our home reflects some of the characteristics of the Preble house.  She noticed the large fireplace, beamed ceiling,  corner cupboards with china animals, paneled walls and even the jelly cupboard with the "P" carved in the door.  




























When Hitty Helen took her upstairs to the bedroom, she noted the portrait of ancestor Hitty  but most of all, she was interested in the dolls on the bed and all the teddy bears. 































I don't think she is going to be a doll that misses much.   It was only a short time, perhaps a day or two, that Ima owned up to being curious about one of the garments some of us were wearing.   We explained that we call it a pinny, an abbreviated type of pinafore.  She wanted to wear one too so Esther let her choose one.




























She was so proud to be dressed like us!  I am oh so delighted she wants to be a part of this family.





































The little ones brought their new dolly over to show her.   This is the first time we noticed her ability to kneel!   Hitty Colleen of course was concerned that Ima would scuff those pretty red shoes.




































Each day of this first week there was something new to show her.   Our playhouse was another big interest and up the ladder she went to check out the inside.































No new doll ever gets into our backyard without Michael showing off his rabbits and Ima was no exception.






























She has been here a week and a wonderful week it has been!  We all agree that Ima is a delightful addition to our family.








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