Chapter One Hundred Ninety Seven








This has been a very busy two weeks. Some of my sisters offered Esther their help. Everyday the mailman brought book requests and they spent  the next hour or so opening the letters and filling the return envelopes.   They loved reading  the messages and hearing from our Hitty friends.



























Each little book had been put into a baggie, stapled with a label and card  and put in a box.   When the chapter about our anniversary was posted,  the box was level full!  It didn't take long until Hitty Colleen sounded the alarm, the box was nearly empty!































Esther quickly printed more books and the Hittys helped prepare them for mailing.   





































Once the return envelopes were sealed and ready to go, Hitty Carol would make a count and Russell would be sent off to the post office.































At the end of each session the Hittys would be tired but pleased to have been of help.   We all were delighted that the little book has been so well received.




























There are still  several days left before the final letters arrive and then we will turn our attention to preparations for the PA Retreat.    We are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.   Hitty get-togethers are some of the most fun of all!










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