Chapter Two Hundred





We are still recovering from the PA Retreat  and trying to finish some of the projects from the event.   Every time we think all the things have been looked at and placed in a proper place, we discover something else.   Going through various little boxes and bags has been so much fun.   Michael discovered a sea shell collection and Hitty Paige a little book about flowers.   Both were delighted.


























When Esther had finished the Penny Rug bench pad and stained the bench, she arranged a setting on the workbench where we have been spending our time. Little Hitty Pat climbed up on the bench and Ima wanted her to get down immediately.   She had scolded Hitty Catherine earlier for setting a basket on it.   Esther told her the bench really was to be used and no harm would come to the decorated bench pad.






















I was so impressed watching the ladies at the event make the sewing dolls in the Judy Brown workshop and a bit envious that we Hittys did not have one.   Esther has had one of Judy's  sewing dolls for several years and calls her Miss Meg.  She stands by with her skirt bristling with all kinds of pins and a basket full of needles to help whenever needed.  Knowing what a treat getting a doll our size would be, Esther had  saved a  tiny box until the very last. Now we have a sewing doll of our own!  





















Later in the day Becassine called us into the other room to fill us in on the plans for our next trip.   The Robertson's daughter Carol and Martha plan to treat Esther and Russell to a week at their time-share in the Catskills and of course, we are going along.  The term 'travel doll' fits us very well! 
























It is time for us to clear away the work area and get ready for our trip but I must add a personal note.   This is the 200th chapter of my Journal. It is hard to believe that my writings that very first day in my new home were to continue for ten years!   Many changes have occurred since I first took pen in hand.  For one, I have become  computer literate.  One must keep up with the times.   And of course, I did not remain an only Hitty.   Our Hitty family has grown as has the Robertson family.  We have enjoyed many events together, learned new skills  and are involved almost daily in the happenings in this household.  










Getting to meet and  know the wonderful Hitty families tops the list of joys in the life of this Hitty.   I enjoy writing my Journal and so for the future,  I'll keep writing as long as you keep reading!









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