Chapter Two Hundred Four


One day last week, I could not believe it was December.   The sun was shining, the temperature was mild and there was a  gentle breeze!   We Hittys took advantage of such a day.






Every year Santa Claus has visiting hours in his little house at one of the corner parks here in Zelienople. This year, we were determined we would visit him in person.  First we had to check the hours to make sure he was in.






























Many times of the day and evening there are lines of little children but we timed our visit to just before the school buses would bring the children home.     I suppose they would think it strange for dolls to be in line but with good timing, creating a strange scene was avoided.

























What a wonderful feeling to be inside! There was Christmas music in the background, little nutcrackers lined up beside Santa and his jolly laughter filled the air.   This is Ima's first Christmas and she rushed up to him, forgetting that little ones really should come first.   HittyPat and Michael forgave her as they realized this was all new to her.  We took turns telling him what we wanted and then could hardly wait to get home and tell Becassine all about it.




















We stopped at a gift shop along Main Street and purchased a tiny little nutcracker to remember the day.   Becassine was waiting for us and was delighted to hear all about our adventure.    I then showed off the first copy of the 2012  Hitty Journal pictures that had just come off the printer.































Hitty Carol and Hitty Colleen had only the wreath to hang in the new room and then our decorating would be complete.   So as of this writing I would say we are as ready as Hittys can get for the holiday.





















The Robertson family and I would like to wish each and everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year!















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