Chapter Two Hundred Seven





Newspapers sometimes have such interesting news.    I shared the story with Hitty Carol about the skeleton discovered last September under a parking lot in England.   It has been confirmed that it is truly that of King Richard III who was killed in  battle in 1484 over 500 years ago.      Michael overheard the conversation,  brought his tools and asked if perhaps he should see if there was anything for him to discover under our driveway.  I assured him there really wasn't anything of the kind to be found.
























In the winter it is often hard to get off to a rousing start.  As I looked across the room, even Tasha was having trouble waking up or perhaps the tummy rub by Hitty Paige made it much more pleasant to just stay put.























The days are passing quietly.  We watched the Super Bowl but it's hard for Pittsburgh Steelers fans to cheer for any one team.  We also are keeping close watch with almost daily pictures of the new addition to the Robertson family.   That tiny little great granddaughter is growing and hopefully will be released from the hospital soon. What a wonderful age to be alive when such tiny little ones can survive!















Becassine has started preparations for Valentine's Day.   She wanted to make sure we had treats and indeed we do!  She kept a close eye on Hitty Helen to make sure all the cupcakes did make it onto the tray.





























Meanwhile in the new room, some of my sisters were hanging decorations.   We have decided to call the new room a library since that is now where most of our books are kept.  I think libraries should have more shelves than we have but I guess the name library will remain.


























The sound of treats being prepared brought the others to check them out.  It didn't take long for many of them to disappear as they were being carried off.   Hitty Helen seemed to be the only one truly interested in preparing cards and hmmm, I  wonder did she really get her fill while helping Becassine? 



















We Robertson Hittys wish all a very Happy Valentine's Day and hope your winter days are passing quickly.  Our thoughts are with our New England friends today and hope they are safe and warm in this major snowstorm.   We will look on the bright side - the groundhog didn't see his shadow so there is hope spring will be right on time this year!  










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