Chapter Two Hundred Twenty Three










What a month this has been!   There had been workmen and heavy equipment on our street for several days and sometimes the noise level was quite high.   First they milled off all the old paving and then applied new.  It really is good to have it all finished.  I was surprised Michael didn't even want to watch!  After all that mess, we thought it a good time to take a trip out of town.























We gathered ourselves together, packed and were on our way to Kansas City.  Several of our Hitty friends joined us.  It was so good to see them again.  We hadn't seen some of them since last year when we attended the Pendle Hill Event.



























Most of the first day was spent visiting The Toy & Miniature Museum.   Some of us had been there before but it was a new experience for the others.  We had a guided tour of the toy section and then the miniature section.   We certainly took notice of the case with the Frozen Charlotte dolls as we had received one as a gift not too long ago from the museum of the Steamboat Arabia.


























In the miniature wing there was a miniature house I had never seen before.   It was an exquisite house in 1/48th scale named the Boston Beacon Hill House built by Frank Matter in the 1950s.   The house had been commissioned by Mrs. Frederick Dent Hammons.



















We also got to see the 'other' Twin Manor.  Most of the Hittys had already seen the one at our house in Zelienople so it was a treat to see the twin.  The houses are identical and furnished in the same manner.  















The next day some of the Hittys visited the Arabia Steamboat Museum.   While they were gone, others visited a friend in the hospital and stopped for an interesting lunch.   Hitty Colleen and Hitty Elizabeth were amazed at the size of the menu!






























The last evening was at the Robertson's son Bill's house and we had a grand time. One of his collections is antique candlesticks and we Hittys had fun playing among those on the mantel.






























Hitty Jean was fascinated with the little bone boxes that Bill was making.  She wanted to get inside the case but that was not to be!






















The evening ended with a mouth-watering five course dinner served by Bill and his friend Cindy!    We bid our friends goodbye but we stayed on for several days longer to give Esther and Russell a chance to visit with their son. 




For more details and pictures of the visit to Kansas City, see "A Visit With Hitty".






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