Chapter Two Hundred Twenty Four        



This will be a chapter of catching up - this and that.   After we had such a wonderful trip to Kansas City, it took us awhile to get back to normal and now we are planning another trip.  So much is happening!








First the mailman brought Grandma Alice a present.  She was so excited and could hardly wait to show it to Becassine.

It was made by a friend in Canada and using fabric from the 1930s.   Esther wondered if any of the patterns were ones she had worn as a child.  Grandma Alice will always treasure this gift.































Our second week back, Esther put together another big book on the iMac about the trip and then made us a book our size.   HittyBelle and Hitty Helen had not been with us so they were quite interested in all the pictures.   HittyBelle vows she will go on the next trip!



























Again the mailman brought a package -  another puzzle!   I do think Esther is getting carried away with puzzles.  She was very disciplined this time, however, as she didn't start it for a week.  Ima was thrilled to finally have a puzzle with her in it and she kept close watch as to the progress of it being put together.

























Our town has a Fall Festival this week and we were delighted to see all the parking meters along Main Street decorated with cornstalks.   Fall is our favorite time of year as well as Esther's.   Hmmm I wonder just how many towns have decorated parking meters?























Now it is time to get ready to go away again.   We are planning on going with daughter Carol to  Laconia, New Hampshire.  I have been trying to find out all about the area on my computer while my sisters start packing.   Laconia isn't too far from Canada so we are hoping to meet a friend for lunch half-way between the two locations.  I do so love to meet the people with whom we are friends.   It goes without saying that meeting other Hitty people is always a thrill!



















As I close this chapter and pack for our trip, my thoughts are with the group of Hittys having a Retreat in Northern New York.  I know they are having a wonderful time!










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