Chapter Seventy Five


On a beautiful Indian summer day it was time to do the grocery shopping.  HittyBelle and Hitty Carol ask if they could go this time since this was a chore that I usually did with Esther.  I readily agreed.








They stopped at the cheese counter first and both Hittys were fascinated by the selection.  I asked them to stay close to the list I had prepared  but in their excitement to have a new adventure, they left the list at home. I understand that this happens a lot at this house. HittyBelle just couldn't resist one of the imported cheeses.















The Hittys went up and down each aisle in absolute wonder!   When they got to the display of  fruits it was almost overwhelming to them.  This time it was Hitty Carol's turn to choose.  HittyBelle told me later that she thought Hitty Carol would never make up her mind.  She seemed to want everything!   


















As they shopped, they came upon a display of books.  These books were advertised as Great Classics so, of course, they immediately started to look for the book, "Hitty, Her First Hundred Years" and were quite disappointed  not to find it. They were not the least bit interested in any of the other titles and so moved on to finish their shopping.

















After spending a great deal of time just wandering around the store, they had all the items they could remember so went to the check-out counter.  At this point they looked around for Esther because the Hittys did not have any money with them.  





















Once they had been checked out they wheeled their cart outside and waited on the sidewalk across from the store for the car to be brought around.  They both were so proud of their capabilities and decided to ask me if this could be a chore that they could take over.  


















When they got home we unpacked the groceries.  Hitty Carol explained just how they had made their selections.  She was so pleased to have gone on this adventure.  I think Esther will agree with me that grocery shopping is hardly an adventure. I am glad we are going to Maryland for Thanksgiving and won't have to shop for all the trimmings for the holiday dinner.








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