Chapter Eighty



It is Spring!  I have been hearing so may comments about things like spring outfits, spring cleaning, a spring trip, planting time and spring sales events!  I started getting anxious that perhaps as the proprietress of Hitty's Book Shelf, I too, should have a spring event. Some type of promotion was what I had in mind.




I asked Esther to give me some help.  She mentioned it to the Hitty Club ladies and they immediately brought up the topic of flowers.   Not only were they discussing the ones they planned to plant this year but the ones mentioned in the Hitty book.  So, it only stands to reason that the first thing to do was make a book about those flowers.   I was surprised to know that there are twenty three different kinds of flowers mentioned!


















When the flower book was finished we got the idea of making a book about the alphabet.  Making that book was such fun!   We each reached for various letters and tried to wear a dress that would show off the color of the letter.  All the Hittys wanted to help.




















After all the pictures were taken,  Esther had to come up with words in the book that started with that letter. Since Hitty Beth has read the book more times than any of the rest of us, Esther asked her for help.   Some of the letters gave them many choices but then there was the "X" and the "Z."   Nowhere could they find a reference that they liked so they had to settle for conventional ones. 




















We all were extremely pleased with the finished book.  It is a bit larger than the others and the references to the various letters all have meanings from the book.   An example I particularly liked was the letter 'H' which reads:  "H is for Hitty, my very own name."
























While we sat for several days cutting and gluing books together, we talked Esther into making bookcases like ours to hold them.  She agreed but said she certainly would limit the number!   Off to the store to get wood we went.  After the first pieces were cut,  Hitty Amelia started gluing the backs together with the sides while  I  measured the shelves.




















After the main pieces were put together  HittyPat and Hitty Penny were having such fun playing hide and seek in the various ones.  They really were easy to find since Tasha kept letting us know exactly where they were hiding.

























Once they were all assembled and sanded, it was time to paint them.  We chose a deep wine color that goes well  with most decors.  When it comes to paint, HittyBelle is always in the forefront but this time she was careful and didn't get into trouble.



























At last all were painted and ready to be put into the book store.  Esther said she would only make a limited number and so 10 it is.
















With  several new books to offer and these bookcases, I have decided what my spring promotion will be.   During the month of May and until June 15, any order of any size  from Hitty's Book Shelf will receive the book, "Flowers in Hitty's World" FREE! 


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