Chapter Ninety Two



Our holiday trip included a visit to Judy Brown's house!  Becca and Jordan-Claire were visiting also so we got to meet Hitty Em and their Hitty Emily as well as Judy's  wonderful doll family that includes many more dolls than Hittys!   What fun! 




Of all the interesting things to see, Becassine  was quite fascinated with the little movie camera and Jordan-Claire, who is in the movies, taught her how to use it.   We Hittys were happy to pose for her. Shakespeare, Hitty Em's  dog was included  in our picture.  He is a big brown dog and wouldn't show up at all if it weren't for the huge bow around his neck!



















Becassine was so taken with the camera that she asked to take it home so she could make home movies.  I wasn't sure what kind of movies she had in mind but when we got home, she enlisted HittyBelle's help. She showed HittyBelle how to use the camera while some of us gathered various items to create a room setting.   Not having any pictures to show us an appropriate room setting we just did the best we could.





















Next Becassine  thought it would be a good idea if we were in costume!   We told her other than Halloween costumes which were not appropriate this time of year, the only ones we could think of were the Little Women dresses.   She had never seen them before but when she did she said that was just what she had in mind. She and HittyBelle helped us put on the dresses and then all was ready.















Since she wanted the picture to be about Little Women she had all the little ones stand aside and she promised them she would tell them a story later.  Hitty Emily took the little ones along with Tasha and Puppy to the other end of the room while the filming was in progress.  HittyBelle operated the camera with Becassine  watching her every move!























We played making movies the entire afternoon and planned to do it again some time.  True to her word, when we were about to put the camera away and return everything to its proper place,Becassine sat down in the rocking chair and told the little ones about another of her adventures she had before coming to live with us.  HittyBelle captured it all!










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